One Vision, Many Allies
Since the Foundation’s inception in 2006, numerous private individuals and institutions have contributed to its success. The programme is now firmly established in regions all over Germany – and is still expanding.
The partners of Stiftung Kinder forschen (Little Scientists Foundation) are Siemens Stiftung, Dietmar Hopp Stiftung, and the Dieter Schwarz Foundation. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research has supported the initiative since 2008.
Board Members
Representatives of the partners of the Foundation make up the Foundation Board. They steer the strategic course of the programme, and advise and oversee the Executive Board.
The Executive Board represents the non-profit Stiftung Kinder forschen, develops important strategic decisions, and ensures that all employees have the best possible conditions in order to be able to contribute to the implementation of the mission of the Foundation. The Executive Board comprises the Executive Manager, Dr Tobias Ernst, and Executive Board Member Angelika Dinges.
A Board of Trustees advises the Foundation on strategic questions and the development of pedagogical resources. The Board comprises well-known personalities from the areas of politics, education, and society.
The Scientific Advisory Board of the Foundation is composed of independent scholars and scientists from various professions. They support the Foundation in carrying out studies and help to ensure the scientific basis of the educational programme.
Local Network with More Than 200 Partners All Over Germany
As a nationwide education initiative, the Stiftung Kinder forschen depends on the commitment of diverse local partners – the local networks. In the last few years, the Foundation has established a Germany-wide network comprising over 200 local network partners. Within their local area, they offer early childhood education and care centres, after-school centres, and primary schools the opportunity to participate in the Stiftung Kinder forschen programme.
The local network partners include municipalities and early childhood education and care providers, trade associations, science centres, museums, companies, foundations, and associations.